Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Various Critical Thinking Skills And Their Uses

Question: Discuss about the Various Critical Thinking Skills And Their Uses. Answer: Introduction: The ideologies of critical thinking are used to facilitate the clear and rational thinking among the people it is conveyed. The connections of logical thinking and reasoning are to be facilitated by the process of critical thinking. Since the ancient times of the philosophers, the critical thinking requirements have been a process of theories and debates to help satisfy the requirements to be met. Critical thinking is also referred as the process that enables the engagement ability in terms of independent and reflective thinking. This report discusses about the various critical thinking skills and their use to teach the students. The report also discusses about the various skills, which can be used to facilitate the learning and demonstrating process of them to help understand the values of critical thinking. Discussion: Critical thinking is used to initiate the process of active learning rather than being a passive sink of information. The people who are termed as critical thinkers constantly question the ideas they are thrown at them rather than blindly accepting them. The ideologies that are thrown at them are always used to find the connections of the logical picture that is used to connect the assessment together thereby giving the idea of complete processing of the variables (McPeck 2016). The people with critical learning abilities are used to analyze the links among the variables that are presented by the information. They are also able to analyze and understand the importance and understanding the relation of the information perceived. Subsequently, the people with such skills can identify the presence of any flaws or errors in the information perceived. The approach of these flaws detected is also done in a very systematic way to reduce the presence of any discrepancies. The skills needed for availing the critical thinking process are a constant among the list of parameters present (Halpern 2014). These include the application of observation, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and explanation, problem solving and decision-making. These parameters are needed for an individual to facilitate the individual to think in a strategic way. These skills are also required to help the person identify the issues present in any case. The strength of the skills is also to be verifies to find out the strength of the assessed point. These values help in identifying the presence of any errors or flaws in the system. Lastly, the use of these skills is to be used to give referenced ideas to help address the issues discussed and identified and then try to assess the decisions taken. The critical learning skills are to be identified and learnt so that the problem solving decisions can be taken by them. The students are required to analyze the different problem solving aspects. As these are a psychological aspect, the students need to know the definition of such terms and their impacts that will help to make them prosper them in their career (Moore 2013). The critical thinking plays a major part in the life of the student to make them take various decisions relating to their career and their prosperity. In simple terms, the critical thinking is a process of breaking down the situation in terms of small analyzed portion and then apply the analysis to each of those portion followed by its summation. These small portions are to be referenced by individual methods that will help the growth of such skills in the mind of the individuals. The first step is the inquiry process, which present s the idea of various questions in the mind of the involved students. This leads to the development of reasonable attitude that helps facilitate the process of active learning. The questions of inquiries usually start with Explain or What is These questions are thrown by the students to address the needs of the critical reasoning (Wild, Wild and Han 2014). Another process of getting critical thinking skills is the use of learning process to help address them. The use of writing process helps to develop the skills required to think and grow. The use of such methods is used to grow the skills of clarification and thinking. These methods help them to identify the situations in a writable format. This also gives them an idea of effective thinking process and evaluation that is achieved only by the writing process (Jackson 2015). The questions that are always thought during the process of writing are the presence of information, conceptual analysis and the evaluation of the research for writhing. The critical thinking can also be improved by collaborating among the members of a group. This helps in sharing of ideas among the people included in the group and help the students to improve their competitive ideas to better analyze the information perceived. The assessment of the critical learning skills is required to help the people who are under the process of developing such skills to understand the perception of the level reached due to their information gathering process. This process helps the students to demonstrate the levels of critical thinking to their intended audience (Tiruneh, Verburgh and Elen 2014). The presence of such skills in an individual helps the common people to notice that individual with such skills as they are made to stand out among the rest of them. The presence of abilities to foresee things related to the place of working is also shown as an attribute in front of the crowd. The decisions that are taken from the higher students are an analysis of the future trends. These decisions can be in the form of career aspect or personal growth. The ability to implement the decision making process provides great insights as they are almost always right and causes a positive impact on the people surrounding them. For example, a higher education student may decide to open a business and decide to differentiate the process of operation to get the workers according to the demographics present, which will help, in better addressing of the needs of the business (Mulnix 2012). In addition, the skills acquired can be demonstrated by the way of assessment that differs from the rest of the people due to their characteristics. These analytical assessments are different in the form of assessed question that are asked that always challenges the need for the question and the requirement that are needed to address them. The best methods to address the issues are taken that help in better analysis of the involved issues with the current system so that the assessment will help provide better solution (Zikmund et al. 2013). Moreover, the frequent assessment of the provide document are also done by the concerned individual depicting the presence of critical thinking skills to help their ideologies stand put even under the presence of a changeable society. The demonstration of the skills is also done when the individuals with critical thinking skills assess the requirements and apply them carefully to help their business or performance grow. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded from the report that the process of critical thinking is achieved by directing the efficient and the best solutions towards the betterment of an aspect. To carry out the process, the process requires the gathering of information from a large amount of sources to help analyze them in a broader aspect. The process of critical thinking thus requires various process of assessment that provides a clear view of the impact, strengths and the associated weakness of the system concerned. The use of foresight is also implemented to help perform predictive analysis of the assessment. References: Halpern, D.F., 2014.Critical thinking across the curriculum: A brief edition of thought knowledge. Routledge. Jackson, S.L., 2015.Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach. Cengage Learning. McPeck, J.E., 2016.Teaching critical thinking: Dialogue and dialectic. Routledge. Moore, T., 2013. Critical thinking: Seven definitions in search of a concept.Studies in Higher Education,38(4), pp.506-522. Mulnix, J.W., 2012. Thinking critically about critical thinking.Educational Philosophy and theory,44(5), pp.464-479. Scotland, J., 2012. Exploring the philosophical underpinnings of research: Relating ontology and epistemology to the methodology and methods of the scientific, interpretive, and critical research paradigms.English Language Teaching,5(9), p.9. Tiruneh, D.T., Verburgh, A. and Elen, J., 2014. Effectiveness of critical thinking instruction in higher education: A systematic review of intervention studies.Higher Education Studies,4(1), pp.1-17. Wild, J.J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C., 2014.International business. Pearson Education Limited. Yenawine, P., 2013.Visual Thinking Strategies: Using Art to Deepen Learning across School Disciplines. Harvard Education Press. 8 Story Street First Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods. Cengage Learning.

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